We try our best to complete every order that is placed. Please be aware, though, that occasionally we might not be able to process an order and will have to cancel it. The rationales encompass restrictions on the buyable quantities, merchandise unavailability, or issues detected by our credit and fraud prevention division.
If your order is canceled in whole or in part, our Customer Care Team will notify you. Your credit card will be refunded the full amount if you decide to cancel your order after it has been charged.
Orders that are not paid for are canceled.
If you would want to cancel the order, please get in touch with our customer service. We will cancel the order and refund the order value after deducting US$ 10 in cancellation costs as soon as we receive the cancellation notice. Orders that we have already processed or shipped out are not subject to cancellation. This may occur in some circumstances 12 hours after the order is placed.
We will reimburse the credit card used for payment if it was made with one. If you paid with a check or money order, we will return the check or money order to you if it hasn’t been deposited. The customer’s billing address is the sole place where checks or money orders will be mailed. We are only able to issue refunds by check or money order if the payment method used was Bitcoin or Ethereum. Refund value, not the current price of Bitcoin or Ethereum, is what is considered the order value.
Refunds are typically handled within ten business days. When paying with a check or money order, it could take longer for the check to arrive at your billing address and for your account to be credited with the money once you deposit the check.
Please be aware that as the cardholder’s issuing bank is in charge of managing their credit card account, we will not be held liable for any delays in credit.